stset t, id (id) time0 (t0) failure (fail) stcox conscrisis transitioncond partychange amendmentrate constadjud electshare instshare origins prevfailxx diffusion5 annualgdpppppcgrowthaverage5year annualinflationrateaverage5years if enforcementcode ==1 , cluster (countrycode) efron nohr stcox conscrisis transitioncond partychange vetopoint constadjud electshare instshare origins prevfailxx diffusion5 annualgdpppppcgrowthaverage5year annualinflationrateaverage5years if enforcementcode ==1 , cluster (countrycode) efron nohr stcox conscrisis transitioncond partychange vetopoint constadjud electshare instshare origins prevfailxx diffusion5 annualgdpppppcgrowthaverage5year annualinflationrateaverage5years if enforcementcode ==1 , cluster (countrycode) efron nohr scaledsch(sca*) schoenfeld(sch*) stphtest, rank detail tsset countrycode years xtdes gen loglength = ln(length) gen intervetoenp = vetopoint* enpseats xttobit amendmentrate detail vetopoint enpseats if enforcementcode == 1, re xttobit amendmentrate detail vetopoint enpseats intervetoenp if enforcementcode == 1, re xttobit amendmentrate detail vetopoint enpseats intervetoenp conscrisis transitioncond partychange electshare instshare constadjud annualgdpppppcgrowthaverage5year annualinflationrateaverage5years if enforcementcode == 1, re xttobit amendmentrate loglength vetopoint enpseats if enforcementcode == 1, re xttobit amendmentrate loglength vetopoint enpseats intervetoenp if enforcementcode == 1, re xttobit amendmentrate loglength vetopoint enpseats intervetoenp conscrisis transitioncond partychange electshare instshare constadjud annualgdpppppcgrowthaverage5year annualinflationrateaverage5years if enforcementcode == 1, re xttobit amendmentrate vetopoint enpseats intervetoenp detail if enforcementcode == 1, re *para graficar generate MV=(( _n-1)/10) replace MV=. if _n >93 matrix b=e(b) matrix V=e(V) scalar b1=b[1,1] scalar b2=b[1,2] scalar b3=b[1,3] scalar varb1=V[1,1] scalar varb2=V[2,2] scalar varb3=V[3,3] scalar covb1b3=V[1,3] scalar covb2b3=V[2,3] gen conb=b1+b3*MV if _n < 93 *calculando errores estandar gen conse=sqrt(varb1+varb3*(MV^2)+2*covb1b3*MV) if _n < 93 *calculando intervalos de confianza gen a=1.96*conse gen upper=conb+a gen lower=conb-a *grafica con intervalo de confianza como legend graph twoway line conb MV, clwidth(medium) clcolor(blue) clcolor(black) || line upper MV, clpattern(dash) clwidth(thin) clcolor(black)|| line lower MV, clpattern(dash) clwidth(thin) clcolor(black) || ,yline(0, lcolor(black)) xlabel (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)legend (col (1) order ( 2) label( 1 " ") label (2 "95% confidence interval" " ") ) xtitle( Effective Number of Parties, size(4) ) ytitle("Marginal Effect of the Stringency" "of Amendment Procedures", size(4)) xsca(titlegap(2)) ysca(titlegap(2))